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Thursday, November 19, 2009

And Another One's Done

Well, I've been so busy doing that I haven't done a lot of blogging--a happy problem I think, at least for me. Here's what I finished yesterday:
After the Storm III
6" x 4"
(c) 2009 Cindi Huss

Working on another "After" piece in fiber as well as a dimensional painting. Also on my plate:
  • Hand quilted/embroidered commission for Sharon Roat.
  • After the Storm: At Sea large-format quilted sculpture.
  • A couple of articles for Quilting Arts magazine.
  • Lecturing in January for First Frontier Quilters Guild: "Can't-fail Quilting Design"
Looks like winter is going to be hopping! All that will definitely keep me out of trouble.


Lynda Shoup said...

You never fail to amaze and delight me with the creativity of your mind, the positive attitude you display, the things you attempt and the shear exuberance you bring to the task.

Cindi said...

Hey, I think you're pretty fabulous, too, you know!

Thanks so much--I'm feeling pretty exuberant these days and my creative juices are definitely flowing. Need a few more hours in the day, though! If I don't start letting some of these ideas out my head may be in danger of exploding!