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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cross Blogging

Just received notice that this great new blog in MA (my former habitat) posted an article on me. Thanks, Marcia! What a wonderful thing to come home to.

Just got back from a great great few days in Asheville, NC, (a few pics coming soon) with my mom and I'm getting ready for a birthday party this evening for Bernard Kaiman, the nearly 90-year-old force of nature in international folk and Scottish country dance in this region.

Work, as you might imagine, is still taking a backseat until tomorrow, when I will plunge in up to my elbows and wallow in fiber! Mmmmm, lovely!


Marty Mason said...

Thanks for your comments on cross-blogging....decided to do more of it myself this morning. I continue to enjoy your work.

Cindi said...
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Cindi said...

Thanks, Marty. And love your new "Robin's Nest" piece. Really nice abstracted reality.